Kamis, 30 September 2010

Lirik A Song for MAMA - Boyz II Men

You taught me everything
Everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah

There isn't anything
Or anyone that I could be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side

You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were gray
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me

And no one else can be
What you have been to me you will always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama, Mama you know I love you
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know lovin' you is like food to my soul
Yes it is, yes it is, oh, yes it is, yes it is, yes it is oh

You're always there for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did

And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on

There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me and say to me
I can face anything

And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be, you will always be
The girl in my life, ooh oh

Mama, Mama you know I love you
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know lovin' you is like food to my soul

Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinkin' about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama

Mama, Mama you know I love you
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know lovin' you is like food to my soul

Lovin' you is like food to my soul, oh yeah
You are the food to my soul, yes you are

The Story of Kogepan

My Story

I am Kogepan. I was from a bakery shop in Hokkaido. My bakery shop is very famous in Japan because the red bead buns that it churns out are so delicious that only 20 of such type are made each day. I was supposed to be a delicious red bean bun too, but an unfortunate accident had happened...

On the day I was supposed to be brought into the oven, I was thrilled because the moment has finally arrived for me to become what most breads have always wanted to be - a high quality red bean bread.

As I continue to ponder on that, I began to giggle in excitement.

When the baker began to take me and my friends out from the oven, I was ecstatic because everything had went smoothly. However, my happiness is somehow short-lived when the baker accidentally tilted the pan and...

And I fell back into the oven and disappeared into a cloud of smoke. I looked around for my friends but they were not there. I was very afraid.

I was getting cooked again and there was a burnt smell seeping out from me. I thought to myself "Somebody please come and save me!"

Nobody noticed that I was missing and I waited in the oven for another 30 minutes. My skin was no longer a golden color and had turned dark brown. I smelt awful.

Finally, the baker saw me and took me out from the oven, but he did not place me back on the shelves where the other red bean buns were.

I am a burnt bread and certainly, nobody wants to buy me. I felt lonely and upset. I thought to myself that my life as a bread was very meaningless. I was so disillusion that my eyes turned white.

The other red bean buns always mock at me, calling me awful names. The baker did not even pay attention to me at all. I think the whole world hates me.

I decided to run away from home. Nobody will care anyway. I shall run to a place where nobody exists and nobody will make fun of me.

I spent most of my time smoking and drinking milk as beer. I became very depressed and pessimistic.

After a few days, I finally came to my senses, and decided not to live my life like this anymore. The bakery is still my home after all.

Back at the bakery I decided to read a book titled "How to become a delicious bread" to improve myself. I believed that if I continue to work hard, I will eventually attain my dream of becoming a delicious red bean bun.

But every time I see the other red bean buns I lose hope and become jealous again. I always lecture them about the life of being a bread and because of that, all of them were afraid of me.

Other Characters

Kuriimupan (creamy bread) is also a burnt bread like me. We are very good friends and we always drink beer (milk) together and often run away from home.
They are called Kireipan, as known as the pretty breads. They are delicious and unlike me, they are not burnt. I am always jealous of them.
My friend Sumipan is even more burnt than me. He is called the charcoal bread and he is also my very good friend.
Ichigopan is the latest addition to the family. He is the strawberry cream bread and unlike the other bread, he is pink in color.

Français le croissant?

Roti croissant ternyata berasal dari Austria dan lahir ditahun 1683 ketika pasukan tentara Turki menduduki kota Wina yang kemudian menjadi asal usul kata viennoiserie yang digunakan untuk menyebut pembuatan roti ini.
Ceritanya pada suatu malam, para pembuat roti di kota Wina yang sedang berada ditempat pembuatan roti mendengar bunyi pasukan tentara kerajaan Ottaman. Merekapun memberikan tanda peringatan sehingga serangan musuh dapat dicegah. Untuk membalas jasa, raja memberikan mereka izin pembuatan roti khusus untuk mengabadikan peristiwa ini. Maka lahirnya Hornchen, kata Bahasa Jerman yang berarti “tanduk kecil”, seperti bulan sabit yang menghiasi kerajaan Ottaman turki.
Versi lain di ciptakannya roti croissant juga berasal dari tahun 1683. Seorang pemilik warung kopi bernama Kolschitsky yang setelah mengumpulkan kantong-kantong kopi yang ditinggalkan orang Turki mungkin berinisiatif menyajikan kopi disertai kue berbentuk bulan sabit untuk mengenang kepergian penjajah.
Jadi, bagaimana bisa roti croissant muncul di Perancis?
Marie Antoinette asal kota Wina lah yang secara resmi memperkenalkan dan mempopulerkan roti ini di Perancis sejak tahun 1770. Namun demikian kue berbentuk bulan sabit tampaknya sudah ada sebelumnya di Perancis karena dalam daftar warisan budaya makanan Perancis yang dibuat oleh Pusat seni masak-memasak nasional Perancis, ditemukan istilah “empat puluh kue bulan sabit” yang disajikan pada acara makan yang diselenggarakan oleh Ratu Catherine de Médicis di Paris pada tahun 1549. Bisa jadi saat itu dimaksudkan untuk memperingati persekutuan yang telah terjalin selama beberapa dekade antara Raja François dengan Le grand Turc.
Baru pada tahun 1920 lah para pembuat roti kota Paris menciptakan roti bulan sabit dengan adonan berlapis seperti yang kita kenal sekarang.

Et bien non! Le croissant est en réalité autrichien en son origine remonte à 1683, l’année où les Turcs ont assiégé Vienne, d’où le terme de viennoiserie utilisé pour qualifier ce type de préparation.
L’histoire, une nuit, les boulangers de Vienne, qui étaient déjà à leur fournil, entendirent le bruit de sape de l’armée ottomane et donnèrent l’alarme, repoussant ainsi l’assaut de l’ennemi. Pour récompenser les boulangers, le roi leur accorde le privilège de fabriquer une pâtisserie qui immortalisera l’événement. C’est ainsi que naît le Hörnchen, “petite corne” en Allemend, allusion au croissant qui orne le drapeau ottoman.
Une autre version existe et attribue. L’invention du croissant, toujours en 1683, à un cafetier de Vienne, nommé Kolschitsky, lequel ayant récupéré des sacs de café laissés par les Turcs lors de leur départ précipaté, aurait eu l’idée de servir ce café accompagné d’une pâtisserie en forme de croissant en souvenir du départ de l’occupant.
Mais alors, comment le croissant s’est il retrouvé en France?
C’est Marie Antoinette, originaire de Vienne, qui a officiellement introduit et popularisé le croissant en France à partir de 1770. Cependant, de gâteaux en forme de crroissant semblent avoir déjà existé dans le pays bien avant, puisque dans l’inventaire du patrimoine culinaire Français, réalisé par le Centre national des arts culinaires, on découvre la mention de “quarante gâteaux en croissant” servis à l’occasion d’un banquet offert par la reine Chaterine de Médicis en 1549 à Paris. Il se peut que l’intention ait été alors de commémorer l’alliance quelques décennies auparavant de François ler avec le Grand Turc.
Dans tous les cas, ce n’est qu’à partir de 1920 que les boulangers parisiens ont créé le croissant feuilleté au beurre que nous connaissons actuellement.
Croissant adalah sejenis pastry yang berasal dari Perancis, dinamai karena bentuknya mirip sabit. Membuat croissant dengan tangan membutuhkan kesabaran karena dapat memakan waktu beberapa hari. Saat ini croissant dalam jumlah besar biasanya dibuat dengan mesin. Di Perancis, croissant biasanya dijual tanpa isi dan dimakan tanpa tambahan mentega. Di negara-negara lain, croissant juga diisi dengan cokelat, daging, dan sebagainya.